Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6
Check out the picture of Cameron (tube free) that daddy took at his first professional photo shoot.
On July 6, 2010 we received a call from the adoption agency letting us know that the birth parent's rights had been relinquished. This is an important day for our family. This is an optimistic step in the adoption process with CJ and it brings our journey of adoption one large leap forward. We will continue to have visits from the adoption agency over the next 4 to 5 months. They will track CJ's progress in adapting to our family. Then just in time for a wonderful Christmas present, we our hopeful that the adoption will be finalized in December of 2010.
In addition, CJ is officially on 'room air' and has been freed from the oxygen tubes and tank. He can now put his hands all over his face to his delight.
We continue to be so very grateful to the birth mom for her decision to choose our family to adopt Cameron. We pray for her heart to heal during this time and for great opportunities in her life!
We give glory to God in holding our hands and hearts through this process of adoption.
The Olschner Family
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