Sunday, November 28, 2010

Adoption Week 25

Hello from the Adoption world of CJ. Happy Thanksgiving weekend.
In 18 days we have our court date to 'officially' adopt CJ. We are so blessed that we were able to get our court date this year!

It has been awhile since we sent out an update on our adotpoin.
Life has been extremely busy and exhilirating and fun, but at times very tiring.
CJ started sleeping for 2 to 3 nights in a row all night long in the last two weeks. Prior to that he still woke up in the middle of the night.

Cameron John is 25 weeks old/ 5 months. He weighs 15lbs and is 25 inches long. In the last several weeks his motor skills and vocal skills have taken off to new levels.

He is quite the talker and enjoys sharing somes squeals with us that are quite loud at times. He is grabing a toy and holding onto if for longer periods of time.

His big sister, Katelyn, makes him laugh and smile all the time. Katelyn has taken the role of Big Sister in a fantastic way and is a great little helper!

We gave him rice cereal for the first time this week. He spit most of it out as expected.

Thanks for reading about our adoptoin.

The Olschner Family