7/27/10 CJ turned 8 weeks old.
CJ has had a very exciting journey the last week and a half through the state of Kansas, with a final destination of Missouri. Aunt Liz, Katelyn, CJ and mommy went to Missouri to visit mommy's family. Grandma Henderson was very excited to meet CJ and hold him. So were his aunts, uncles and cousins. Some additional pictures have been posted on the blog.
8/3/10 CJ turned 9 weeks old.
CJ has been growing in his talking (cooing) everyday. He loves looking at the lights and is memorized by them at this stage in life.
Saturday August 7th was the first recognized smile (that didn't appear to be a response to gas). He has continued to smile several times a day! Yeah!
He is growing a lot and eating really well. Amelia's family visible noticed that he had grown even in the week and half we were in Missouri.
8/10/10 CJ is now 10 weeks old. He weights 12 lbs. He smiled multiple times today. We are learning new positions that make him happy. He likes to sit up more and look around at the world.
We will work on getting some of his wonderful smiles on camera and include them in the next blog.
That's all for now!
Love the Olschner