Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Adoption Week 4

Ephesians 3:20
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

Cameron has been home for a week. He weighs 8lbs and is growing every day.
He is still on oxygen and will hopefully be off by next week.

Katelyn adores him and asks to 'pat' him all the time. She loves to 'pat' his head and is surprising gentle with him. She loves to give him kisses and be near him.
She is a great big sister and helps mommy and daddy with CJ every chance she gets.

Cameron is loving to eat now, no lingering eating issues like he had in the hospital. He wakes up at least every 3 hours and wants food immediately.
His other excellent talent is he gets really mad and holds his breath. He will then start to turn really red and blue. A little scary, but we are getting use to the routine and he is easy to console once you pick him up!

Thanks for reading!
Love The Olschner Family

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Adoption Week 3

After 3 weeks in the hopital, Cameron John (CJ) came home to the Olschner home on June 22, 2010. Praise God for CJ and his life.

He started really improving over the weekend of June 18 to June 20. He began eating every feeding out of a bottle and no longer had to be gavage through the feeding tube.

Amelia stayed with him at the hospital for the last three nights so she could help with all the feedings.

Many thanks to ALL of the nursery staff at McKee Medical center, they are truly amazing and gifted at what they do in taking care of the newborn babies. They helped us so much with CJ and the best techniques to assist him in his new life.

The adoption is progressing and we will have more information in the next few weeks concerning our future with CJ. We appreciate everyone's prayers. We see God at work in great ways.

Kurt, Amelia, Katelyn and CJ

Monday, June 14, 2010

Adoption Week 2

June 8th to June 14th, 2010

Cameron is still in the hospital.

On Friday June 11th, Cameron started to eat more by bottle (about 30 to 40ml) at several of his feedings throughout the day.

On Saturday he was able to be off his oxygen (on room air) for about six hours. So he is making some progress in his ability to stay oxygenated on his own.

In the last three days Cameron has been eating an entire feeding by bottle several times a day (his goal is 58ml every three hours). The other feedings he is still being fed through the feeding tube, known as gavage. He is gaining weight and getting stronger. He weights 6lbs and 9 ounces.

The ultimate goal for him to leave the hospital is that he can eat on his own every feeding and gain weight while doing this for two days in a row.

That's all for now.
Kurt, Amelia and Katelyn

Monday, June 7, 2010

Adoption Week 1

Cameron John (CJ)

Born June 1, 2010
8:14 am
6 lbs, 19 inches long

Cameron was born at 36 weeks and 4 days. He was considered a late term pre-mature baby.

We were very blessed to be in the room when Cameron was born and entered the world.

June 1 and 2 - he did very well, ate on his own and was able to be taken out of the nursery into the hospital rooms. The nursing staff calls this a honeymoon period for babies that are pre-mature.

June 3, 2010 - Kurt and Amelia became foster parents (with the hope to adopt CJ).

We were told CJ would need to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time since he was having a hard time eating on his own for every feeding. He is learning to eat, suck from a bottle and then breath.

June 4, 5 and 6 - CJ is still in the hospital. He is reading the pre-mature baby textbook and is needing time to grow and have some additional assistance from the hospital staff. The current expectation is he will have to stay in the hospital for at least a week and it maybe up to three weeks.

June 7, 2010 - CJ is still in the nursery at the hospital. He is eating about every 2nd to 3rd time by bottle and then the remaining feedings are through a feeding tube. He is on oxygen, but his level of oxygen is very low and has not been increased since he has been on it - this is a good sign. He gained an ounce on June 6, 2010.

The process of the birth parents rights being terminated will take another month or more.

Please pray for the birth mom and her family. We are very grateful for her gift of life in Cameron and her courage to make this decision for her son. He is an amazing little boy. We are enjoying our time bonding with him at the hospital and look forward to when we can bring him home.

Talk to you soon.
Kurt, Amelia and Katelyn